Fragment 82
⊗ εὐμορφοτέρα1 Μνασιδίκα τὰς ἀπάλας Γυρίννως
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καίτ’ ἐ[
νῦν δ’ α[
4.μὴ βόλλε̣[
- Campbell reads εὐμορφωτέρα, though Voigt’s spelling agrees with the editor of Hephaestion
- This may be where 82A begins
Page 81
Book IV
Meter: acephalus hipponactean with a double choriambic expansion (^hipp2c)
× – ᴗ ᴗ – – ᴗ ᴗ – – ᴗ ᴗ – ᴗ – – (in distichs)
Texts: Voigt; Campbell includes 82A, but not 82B.
Campbell, David A. 1982. Greek Lyric, Vol. I: Sappho and Alcaeus. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Voigt, Eva-Maria, ed. 1971. Sappho et Alcaeus. Amsterdam: Polak & Van Gennep.
82A: Hephaestion, Handbook on Meters 11.5 (p. 36 Consbruch)
82B: P. Oxy. 1787 fr. 34.
NB: Fragments 60-86 all come from P. Oxy. 1787.
NB: ⊗ indicates the beginning or end of a new poem.